Summer Retreat   |   Fall Retreat   |   Icy Courtship   |   Thru the Pass   |   Silent Hunter/Great Horned Owl   |   Pitchin' for a Double Ringer

High above the forest floor on a stone outcropping, he is ever watchful. A silent hunter by night and a silent figure by day. He sees all and he hears all and keeps all the secrets of the forest. Once a regal hunter matched by none, he is now forced to make occasional raids on the local chicken farm. As our forests vanish so does the refuge of the "Silent Hunter."

This scan does not show the clarity of the owl's detail. (The vertical lines in this scan are NOT in the actual print image)

Edition size - 500 s/n
Dimensions -18" x 27"
Issue Price - $95.00     SALE PRICE $63.00

Silent Hunter/Great Horned Owl
Steve Hilt
SH-01      $63.00  SALE PRICE     


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